Can I Skip Level 1?

A common question we receive from parents is :

My child has been on the Balance Bike for quite a while or has completed a course with a different organization, can they skip your Level 1 beginner course and go directly to Level 2?

The answer in short is No.

Like starting to watch a TV series in the second season, your child will not understand our bespoke terms, how to interact with the Coaches and not have the same fundamentally ‘correct habits’ and skills we teach in our Level 1 certificate course.  

On the Bike | The Rider Early Learning Program Level 1 Course is specifically designed to create a solid foundation for children to learn good habits for both skill and safety. If a child has learnt to ride on their own or with another adult’s direction, they are most likely to have picked up some habits or techniques that will need to be corrected before they are able to progress to their full potential. These habits usually take quite some time to rectify and can take even longer than if taught properly in the early stages.

Off the Bike | Our Curriculum is heavily focused on creating confident children. Much of what we teach is ‘Balance Bike Related’ and not solely focused on bike skills alone.

Parent Interaction | Another huge component of our course is the parent child interaction in the course. We spend a large amount of effort in making sure the parents understand our method and the breakdown of each technique throughout the 8 lesson Level 1 course so parents can practice correctly after class and at home. We are able to explain these intricacies very well as we are the original ( World’s First ) Balance Bike class.

Certified Coaches | Our Course was created by the Coaches who teach it and our Coaches are lifelong Industry Professional Bicycle Athletes with Teaching and Child Development experience. Our Coaches are Certified Level 3 Balance Bike Coaches from the Balance Bicycle Association of Hong Kong.

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